At the beginning of the month, a few hundred of you helped me (and my publisher) choose a cover for my upcoming parenting book. It's time to show you those results, as well as the final cover!
We showed you four possible ideas, and asked for your comments. Even though a number of you favored the cover with the teenager on the front, the overwhelming majority of you liked the one with burnt toast and offered some great comments about color, design, etc. All good ideas, indeed.
We took those comments and the team has made some tweaks, finally coming up with a really good final cover. (And for those of you who really liked the other covers-- no worries-- I think you'll still enjoy the content of the book!) :)
Many of you have asked... so here's a peek at the final cover below, and a glimpse at the Table of Contents as it sits right now. The T.O.C. can still change a bit. I have six of these chapters written and am working steady on finishing the rest.
The will hit the shelves in spring, 2011. I'll keep you all posted as I make progress on it, especially as we launch in the next few weeks.
Thank you all so much for your help!